The Fissure

      The Star Fissure is the basically a complete and indeterminate paradox. It is the fabric that holds together the different worlds, dimensions, planes, and universes, and yet it is a void. For one traveling through it in some way, as it is the quickest route between any two realms, unless they are linked by chance, it appears pitch black, yet dotted with millions upon millions of what look like stars, similar to the appearance of the night sky. These lights are in fact where the fissure touches a plane, meaning that they are all innumerable and unique.
      Mortals cannot enter the Star Fissure without protection, lest they perish, as sensations themselves within the void are enigmatic paradoxes. The blood boils while the skin freezes, and the pressure insinuated onto the body is so heavy it would feel as if one might explode. Immortals are not phased by this, unless they are weak. The fissure provides swift travel to worlds yet undiscovered.

Lands Of Fate

Backgrounds By Ann