Ryuzoku Dragons

General Overview
      The ryuzoku are a very proud race. Often called the dragon lords, they are like the nobility of the dragon races. Their bloodline stems from a single common ancestor, though outbreeding has kept them away from inbred problems. It is best not to offend them, since their power is great.

      In ryuzoku, traits vary. They are completely draconic in nature, and always have four legs, a set of half feathered, half scaled wings, one head, fuzzy ears, and underbelly ridges. Other traits that can appear include several or even a single horn, a mane that can be long or short, running any length along the spine, or even an abnormal type of tail. These are not mutations, but stem from genetics. They are completely sentient.
      Scales cover the entire body, except for a mane or the feathered parts of the wings. These scales can be any color, except silver. This is due to some strange alteration in genetics since all true ryuzoku can trace their lineage back to a single common ancestor, who was a silver. No ryuzoku has been silver since that one individual.
      A true ryuzoku is defined as a dragon which can trace his or her heritage back flawlessly to the common ancestor. There are no purebred ryuzoku since that would involve inbreeding. But so long as the blood of the ancestor runs strong, they are considered ryuzoku. The mark of a trueborn is a lightning shaped silver scar-like mark on the back on the back left ankle joint, a reminant of a scar the original ancestor recieved.
      Halfborns are also known to occur in a ryuzoku bloodline, due to the diluting of the original founder's line. Too much outbreeding can cause a ryuzoku to lose the bloodline, so he or she does not bear the mark of the ancestor, even though the lineage is clear. They are not looked down upon.

      All ryuzoku have two names, a first single name by which they are known, and a second, two part family name. The family name is not passed down. Ryuzoku know their first true name by birth, and the family name is given by the parents. For introduction sake, the first time a ryuzoku is met by someone, they must be introduced by a friend using their full name and title. The title includes the indication of son or daughter, and the sire's full name. To ignore this tradition is offense to ryuzoku, and your life may become forfeit if it is not followed.
      The only other known traditions are these two. The first is that the ryuzoku are ruled by themselves. The most powerful nine are gathered into a council, age does not matter since ryuzoku are extremely long-lived. This council serves as the governmental body for political functions in ryuzoku life. This leads right in to the second tradition, the watching.
      The watchers are the dragons which leave their home realm, which is adjoined to ours in one particular place, and choose another plane to live on, gathering knowledge for the good of their race. This often involves politics, as young dragons that wish to become watchers must be tested, and then given leave by both the council and the realm they seek to live in.

      Seraphius Dervan-Korac is the original founder of the ryuzoku race. A large silver dragon marked with the black tail ring, he led the dragon council until his death at the hands of some unknown black dragon, unlike any that could stem from the line. His valiant fight against this unknown beast led to his death, though he drove the creature away. His memory is honored in his bloodline, for no pureblood dragon since he has been as powerful. All trueborn and halfborn ryuzoku can trace their exact lineage back to Seraphius.

Elemental Control
      As previously stated, some ryuzoku have elemental control. These make up a little less than half the population. No power is weaker than another, provided that the dragon has mastered his or her abilities completely. Elemental power, if present, is indicated by a colored ring marking around the scales near the tip of the tail. Each color represents a different power.
      Red - This is the color for the element of fire. This includes actual flames, or just heat in general. There is a minor command of smoke.
      Orange - The power alignment of emotion, orange is control over feelings and reactions. This does not include feelings towards something, like opinions, which is the domain of another type.
      Yellow - Yellow is the sign of a middle ground, a meeting between the elemental fire and the power of storms. This color is for control over the energy behind certain fires, and the effect of some storms. Its reach does not extend into the other colors.
      Pale Green - This is the color for the control of plantlife. Not to be mistaken with the soil and earth itself. Blooming, dying, and control of plant movement is defined by this color.
      Dark Green - The power alignment of earth, dark green is control over rock, soil, and metal, formed into shape by pure will.
      Pale Blue - The pale form of blue is the sign for the power of air and wind, manipulation of whirlwinds and breezes, and the temperature of the surrounding area.
      Dark Blue - This is the color for the control of water, such as waves and whirlpools. This power can also be used to purify water and other liquids, or blast it around at will. Rain is under this color, but not the storm itself.
      Violet - Violent storms and ragining tempests are under the control of the violet ring. Though rain, wind, and lightning can be manipulated by other colors, this is the only power that can create then all, though control is limited. Dark clouds and ominious threats are a speciality here.
      White - White is the color of illusion and outward appearance. Manipulators of this power can trick the eye or convince the mind that something is what it is not. They often entertain younglings with this power.
      Black - This is the ring color of the mind. Mentality, personality, and opinion fall into this category. The black can cause insanity, or enhance telepathy. Instinctive emotions are out of this range.
      Silver - Silver, the color of the first ancestor, is marked with the power of the moon and of darkness. Cloaks of night or eclipses, even the twinkling of stars are not beyond this power's reach.
      Gold - The opposition of silver is gold, the powers of light and the sun. Brightness and illumination are the strengths here.

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