
General Overview
      Rakishi cannot exactly be called a native species, but due to a steady migration with little affect on the surrounding ecosystems, this outlander species is now considered native. This species is equine in nature, standing with stature similar to a horse, but with subtle differences that prevent them from being ridden. This species is sentient.

      Being equine in nature, rakishi tend to display equine traits as a norm. There are three types of hooves and tails that can appear, though there is much more of a variety in horns. The difference in this species and in normal equines is that a rakish coat or mane can come is any color and shade of the visible spectrum. This evolution occured due to initial adjustment to a new environment and a fluxuation in genetics.
      Mutations do sometimes occur, which were also cause by initial fluxuation. These mutations are rarely dangerous, and often beneficial to the rakish, unless there is a dangerous amount of inbreeding in the background. The mating of two mutated rakishi is frowned upon due to this circumstance, but cannot be prohibited.

Growth & Maturity
      Foals can stand within moments of being born. The birth of true twins is rare. Rakishi tend to grow very swiftly, and due to high intelligence and subsequent lack of major predators, as well as a fairly relaxed lifestyle can give a rakish an exceptional lifespan. Exact age is undetermined at this time.

Tribes & Mates
      When fully grown and recognized as an adult, hormones will lessen from the growth surge, and often the rakish will find another right for them. This is often done in two ways. The first is a pairing off with a single mate, where a male and female take vow to remain with one another for life. The second way is through the forming of a tribe. This is more common, since females are born more often than males. A tribe is formed by a stallion, and is joined by mares where the feelings between the stallion and mare are mutual. There may be multiple mares to one stallion, though he loves them all equally. Tribes can break apart if feelings change along the lines.

Common Gifts
      All rakishi have at least one gift. Each gift has a special meaning, as well as traits it describes. Gifts are never a sure thing, and are normally determined when the rakish is young, before it leaves its mother.
      Song - The singers are of the highest order of the gifts beyond the two near-mythical ones, and are very rare. Even if a rakish can sing, if may not mean he or she is of this gift. Those of song channel magic through the word patterns and melodies, and a well-trainer singer is the equivalent of a sorceress or mage. Those of song can appear in any form, there is no limit.
      Dance - The dancers have natural rhthym, and can find the beat in any song. They love expression through dance, and are naturally tuned to it from the moment they are foaled. Alway graceful, the dancers seem to have an air of happiness about them, and they rarely fall into a bad mood.
      Air - Those of the gift of air seem to be floating on cloud nine. They hardly ever get angry, because it is nearly impossible to get them to that point. They never hold a grudge.
      Earth - Those of the gift of earth are deeply in tune with nature. They tend to be the best caretakers of young foals, even the stallions of the gift.
      Fire - Those of the gift of fire are short-tempered and quick to both act and think. They are natural born leaders, but their wrath should not be awakened, or the display will be worthy of the name fire.
      Water - Those of the gift of water are very imaginative and sensitive. Story tellers by nature, they can weave a myth or tale in moments, and can keep the listeners intent through the enitre thing. Their best work is done at night, around a fire.
      Vision - Those of the gift of vision learn from dreams. They can see past, present, and future at any given time, and can translate dreams for others. Sometimes, those of this gift even fall into a trance-like state where they see things soon to come.
      Time - Those of the gift of time always know day and night. They can tell the phase of the moon or moons, the exact position of the sun at any time, and the most wonderful times and places to watch the sunrise or sunset. Time seem to be romantic and sentimental.
      Light - Light gifts enjoy sunrises and sunsets, and can be partial to times in autumn when colors are at the brightest. Occasionally those of the light gift can create tiny orbs of light, but this is draining on the creator. Bright colors are favored, and there can be a fondness for butterflies.
      Dark - Those of the dark are most active in the dusk and before dawn times. The night seems to cover them with a blanket of serenity, and are often fond of star gazing. However, storms and other turbulent forces of nature are more often prefered to that.
      Mystery - Just as the name goes, those of the gift of mystery are indeed mysterious as the kind goes. Around these, it as if there is a veil over the eyes of one, as if the whole essence of being cannot be seen. It can be strange for some to be around such a force, and a minor sense of uneasiness can appear as well.
      Life - The ones of life have a great fondness for living things, and are often the type to find a companion in a bird or some other small creature. These types also have a unique connection to plants and the world around them, and just by being present, can make everything around them florish. This is not classified as magic of some sort, but rather something dealing with personality and spirit.
      Mist - Mist gathers about those of this gift, around them like a veil of surreal shadow. These of the gift are partial to the times of overcast clouds in early morning, when the dew is fresh and the light air of fog is all around. This gift is particularly affected by strong emotion, and can be caught in extremes quite often.
      Ice - Those of ice are as the name can suggest. They sometimes have difficulty dealing with extreme changes in life and can be set in the ways they have already defined. There is also love of snow and crystal, as defined pattern of life.

Near-Mythical Gifts
      A warning must be said about the near-mythical gifts. Generally, three gifts in natural enough, but is the maximum any rakish mind can handle. A massive composite of all gifts does have its downside. The mind it affects, while it is young, is prone to having split personalities unless carefully monitored. But it can even happen accidently sometimes. The carefully raised foals with these abilities have little or no problems, but a neglected young mind with these abilities is prone to go mad, and maybe even become suicidal.
      Ether - Ethers are always male. It is almost a combination of all the gifts, song included. It is the most powerful of the gifts, but it has an equal in the spirit gift, for they are gender-linked. The ether are sorcerers, capable of casting magic at high levels without singing, and have a strong empathy with the life force of living things, like creation and destruction.
      Spirit - Those of spirit are female. Like ether, it is the combination of all gifts. The spirits are sorceresses, with the same powerful magical abilities as the ether type. The different here is that spirits are more aligned with the minds of living things, and are very adept at telepathy and telekinesis.

Lands Of Fate

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