Kinsarian Flits

General Overview
      Kinsarian flits are rather small draconic animals, and are a cousin species to the Kinsellan flits of Tarakyna, the sister realm. They are rather noisy and carry brightly colored scales, acting rather like parrots. In fact, they are about the same size, as well. This species is not sentient.
      This race is a companion animal, and can be considered rather domesticated. Like the Kinsellan, Kinsarian flits can run messages and locate people, though there is no class system among them. They also do not wear banding, as color patterning is as identifiable as fingerprinting. Naming a flit involves a suffix ending which indicated the generic color of the flit, even if the patterning does not match all the way.

      As previously mentioned, this species is generally about the size of a parrot. Smaller ones can shoulder-sit, but normally they are a bit too large for this. Each flit has at least two different colors on his or her scale. Anatomy is similar to that of the Kinsellan flit, which a pair of hind legs, though the Kinsarian limbs tend to be shorter, a set of draconic wings, and a ridge at the nose. Though while the Kinsellans have two elongated horns off their heads, Kinsarians have only one.

Life & Reproduction
      Kinsarian flits pick their mates for life. Any color can breed with any other color. When the female goes into heat, she and her mate will disappear of flight for a short period of time. After the general wait for the species, the female will clutch on warm sands, and will lay anywhere between three to eight eggs. They remain on the sands or in incubators until the hatching time.

Suffix Chart
      The following is a list of the name suffixes for the Kinsarian flits. If there is a color that occurs after this chart has been made, and it is not listed, this chart will be updated. Note that although there is little different between the magenta and the pink, they are seperated, since they are gender-specific. Pink is male and magenta is female.

Red ~Rei
Orange ~Ora
Yellow ~Yei
Green ~Gen
Blue ~Bei
Violet ~Vio
White ..~Whi..
Silver ~Sye
Black ~Bal
Brown ~Boh
*Pink ~Pei
..*Magenta.. ~Mai
Flux ~Fae

Kinsellan Flits Original Copyright To Jessica Dragontamer
Done With Permission

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